Diversity and Inclusion

The Michigan Housing Diversity and Inclusion office assists in the facilitation of a living-learning environment that is supportive for all Michigan Housing residents and staff by encouraging personal growth and healthy interpersonal interaction. We help create a welcoming and inclusive environment for people of all social identities.

Community Engagement and Development

In addition to the management of the multicultural lounge program celebrated on this website, the Diversity and Inclusion office offers the following programs and services.

Student Involvement

student speaking<br />

Diversity Peer Educator Program

Diversity Peer Educators (DPEs) strengthen the living‐learning environment by providing educational programs with a focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, restorative justice, and multiculturalism. DPEs respond to campus climate concerns, support students who may be the target of negative behavior, and oversee multicultural councils in undergraduate residence halls.

Students on steps<br />

Multicultural Councils

Each undergraduate residential community has a Multicultural Council that is advised by the Diversity Peer Educators (DPE). This is an opportunity for students to gain leadership skills while planning and coordinating programs for residents in their community. Multicultural Councils are funded by the student residential fee and sponsored student organizations at the University.

Bee Sticker

You Belong Here Campaign

Michigan Housing’s commitment to ensuring every resident feels supported in who they are and ensuring they have the opportunity to live and learn alongside people who are different from them. Be (bee) the Michigan Difference. This includes being aware, being inclusive, and being kind.

Throughout the year, the Diversity and Inclusion office offers workshops, programs, and opportunities for collaborative learning and to engage in community building and education across differences.


Multicultural Housing Theme Community

The Multicultural Housing Theme Community (MHC) intentionally facilitates community amongst students of diverse backgrounds and identities. Students commit to deep learning across differences and experience how to be accountable to their inclusive community. MHC meaningfully engages with social justice education and restorative justice practices within the community, and asks residents to think critically about how these values manifest on campus and globally.

Residential Climate Support

Michigan Housing is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and a supportive experience for all students.

Residential Support

Michigan Housing is committed to providing support for those who have experienced instances of a lack of belonging in our housing community. In collaboration with campus stakeholders, we create specific responses to residential concerns and support staff in the management of in-building climate needs.

Gender Inclusive Housing

We offer a variety of options to ensure that Michigan Housing is a supportive space for residents of all gender identities and gender expressions. Gender Inclusive Housing provides options for graduate and undergraduate students with access to gender inclusive bathrooms.

Gender Inclusive Living Experience (GILE) Community

GILE is a community designed for students who are looking for a safe, inclusive, and supportive living experience around their gender identity. GILE is open to students of any gender identity or gender expression, and allies who have a reflective understanding of gender and will actively contribute to an inclusive community. GILE residents live in a cluster of rooms in the same community and have access to single-user and multi-stall gender inclusive community bathrooms. GILE is a partnership between Michigan Housing and the Spectrum Center. Residents can participate in programming and workshops related to LGBTQ+ identities and learning how to access resources on campus.

Facilitating Educational Experiences and Consultations

The Diversity and Inclusion office curates a variety of workshops, classes, and trainings for student staff, residents, and professional staff led by professional staff and in some cases, student staff in a peer-to-peer format. The primary goal of these offerings is to engage the campus community in topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, and dialogue. Through self- and group-reflection, participants are able to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of this work and the role they can play in the creation of inclusive communities and workspaces.

The Diversity and Inclusion office also actively provides consultations and training to partners in the Division of Student Life and partners outside of the institution. If you are interested in our office facilitating a training or consulting for your organization, please contact us at diversityandinclusion@umich.edu
